If I only want to spend 15 minutes or less preparing a side dish, which Near East® products can I make?
Can I prepare 2 boxes of a Near East® product at once (double the recipe)?
Can I combine two different types of Near East® together when doubling?
Can I use a rice cooker or steamer for couscous or rice pilaf?
What is the best way to store and reheat prepared couscous or rice pilaf?
How long can I keep prepared couscous or rice pilaf in the refrigerator?
Can I freeze already prepared couscous or rice for later use?
I followed the preparation instructions but the product didn't turn out quite right? What went wrong?
Can I substitute margarine or another type of cooking oil in place of butter or olive oil in preparing Near East® products? What about PAM or a cooking spray?
Can I use less butter or olive oil than the package directs?
The package gives a range of cooking times. Which one should I use?
What if I live at a high altitude?
How long does it take to prepare couscous?
How long does it take to prepare rice pilaf?
What are some quick and easy preparation ideas to make couscous a little different? Which products can I make in 15 minutes or less?
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